If it is broken then you risk major engine damage by continuing to use the engine. That should bring up afew videos which will explain exactly how it works and how you adjust it. SO the shaft moves which moves the lever with moves the wire rod which moves the butterfly. The governor arm is clamped onto this shaft. The shaft, called a governor shaft pokes out of the engine. Inside the engine are some bob weights which rotate a shaft as centrifugal force causes them to be flung out. It has an overall width of 48 inches and will mow large lawns without clogging up your driveway or lawn. Its tires measure 16 by 6.5 inches, and the rear wheels are 22 by 9.5 inches. The L120 weighs 532 pounds and stands at 38.6 inches tall. The governor and the throttle are connected together by a spring, called the governor spring and the strength of this spring determines how fast the engine spins. The John Deere L120 is one of the best lawnmowers available on the market today. Working against it is the lever you move which I will call the throttle. The faster the engine spins, the harder it closes down the butterfly, How much it closes the butterfly is determined by how fast the engine is spinning. The governor slows the engine down by closing the throttle ( which from here on in I will call the butterfly to avoid confusion ) The thing you are having trouble with is the governor.